Produkt zum Begriff Features:
Core Java, Vol. II: Advanced Features
The Classic Guide to Advanced Java Programming: Fully Updated for Java 17"This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."--Andrew Binstock, Java MagazineCore Java is the leading no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java, Volume II: Advanced Features, Twelfth Edition, has been revised to cover the new features and enhancements in the Java 17 long-term support release. As always, all chapters have been completely updated, outdated material has been removed, and the new APIs are covered in detail.This volume focuses on the advanced topics that a programmer needs to know for professional software development and includes authoritative coverage of enterprise programming, networking, databases, security, modularization, internationalization, code processing, and native methods, as well as complete chapters on the Streams, XML, and Date and Time APIs. In addition, the chapter on Advanced Swing and Graphics covers techniques that are applicable to both client-side user interfaces and server-side generation of graphics and images.Cay S. Horstmann clearly explains sophisticated new features with depth and completeness and demonstrates how to use them to build professional-quality applications. Horstmann's thoroughly tested sample code reflects modern Java style and best practices. The examples are carefully crafted for easy understanding and maximum practical value, so you can rely on them to jump-start your own programs.Master advanced techniques, idioms, and best practices for writing reliable Java codeMake the most of enhanced Java I/O APIs, object serialization, and regular expressionsEfficiently connect to network services, implement servers and the new HTTP/2 client, and harvest web dataProcess code via the Scripting and Compiler APIs, and use annotations to generate code and filesDeepen your understanding of the Java Platform Module System, including recent refinementsLeverage the Java security model, user authentication, and the security librarys cryptographic functionsPreview powerful new APIs for accessing "foreign" functions and memorySee Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals, Twelfth Edition, for expert coverage of Java programming fundamentals, including objects, generics, collections, lambda expressions, concurrency, and functional programming.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features
The #1 Guide to Advanced Java Programming, Fully Updated for Java 11 Core Java has long been recognized as the leading, no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java, Volume II—Advanced Features, Eleventh Edition, has been updated for Java 11, with up-to-date coverage of advanced UI and enterprise programming, networking, security, and Java’s powerful new module system. Cay S. Horstmann explores sophisticated new language and library features with the depth and completeness that readers expect from Core Java. He demonstrates how to use these features to build professional-quality applications, using thoroughly tested examples that reflect modern Java style and best practices, including modularization. Horstmann’s examples are carefully crafted for easy understanding and maximum practical value, so you can consistently use them to jump-start your own code. Master advanced techniques, idioms, and best practices for writing superior Java codeTake full advantage of modern Java I/O APIs, object serialization, and regular expressionsEfficiently connect to network services, implement network clients and servers, and harvest web dataQuery databases and manage database connections with the latest version of JDBCSimplify all aspects of date and time programming with the Java Date and Time APIWrite internationalized programs that localize dates, times, numbers, text, and GUIsProcess code in three powerful ways: the scripting API, compiler API, and annotation processingLearn how to migrate legacy code to the Java Platform Module SystemLeverage the modern Java security features most valuable to application programmersProgram advanced client-side user interfaces, and generate images on the serverUse JNI to interoperate with native C code See Core Java, Volume I—Fundamentals, Eleventh Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-516630-7), for expert coverage of fundamental Java and UI programming, including objects, generics, collections, lambda expressions, Swing design, concurrency, and functional programming.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Slo Downtown Historical Home W/ Tesla Features
Preis: 425 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Functional and Concurrent Programming: Core Concepts and Features
Leverage Modern Language Constructs to Write High-Quality Code FasterThe functional and concurrent programming language features supported by modern languages can be challenging, even for experienced developers. These features may appear intimidating to OOP programmers because of a misunderstanding of how they work. Programmers first need to become familiar with the abstract concepts that underlie these powerful features.In Functional and Concurrent Programming, Michel Charpentier introduces a core set of programming language constructs that will help you be productive in a variety of programming languages—now and in the future. Charpentier illustrates key concepts with numerous small, focused code examples, written in Scala, and with case studies that provide a thorough grounding in functional and concurrent programming skills. These skills will carry from language to language—including the most recent incarnations of Java. Using these features will enable developers and programmers to write high-quality code that is easier to understand, debug, optimize, and evolve.Key topics covered include:Recursion and tail recursionPattern matching and algebraic datatypesPersistent structures and immutabilityHigher-order functions and lambda expressionsLazy evaluation and streamsThreads and thread poolsAtomicity and lockingSynchronization and thread-safe objectsLock-free, non-blocking patternsFutures, promises, and functional-concurrent programmingAs a bonus, the book includes a discussion of common typing strategies used in modern programming languages, including type inference, subtyping, polymorphism, type classes, type bounds, and type variance.Most of the code examples are in Scala, which includes many of the standard features of functional and concurrent programming; however, no prior knowledge of Scala is assumed. You should be familiar with concepts such as classes, methods, objects, types, variables, loops, and conditionals and have enough programming experience to not be distracted by simple matters of syntax.
Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
Habt ihr zuhause eine Klimaanlage oder einen Ventilator?
Wir haben zuhause einen Ventilator. Eine Klimaanlage haben wir nicht, da wir sie nicht benötigen und auch aus Umweltgründen darauf verzichten möchten. Der Ventilator sorgt jedoch für ausreichend Kühlung an heißen Tagen.
Welche Windows 10 Features aktivieren oder deaktivieren?
Welche Windows 10 Features möchten Sie aktivieren oder deaktivieren? Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Funktionen in Windows 10, die je nach Bedarf angepasst werden können. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die Datenschutzeinstellungen, die Cortana-Sprachassistentin, die automatischen Updates, die Benachrichtigungen und vieles mehr. Indem Sie bestimmte Features aktivieren oder deaktivieren, können Sie Ihr Windows 10 Betriebssystem an Ihre persönlichen Vorlieben und Anforderungen anpassen. Lassen Sie mich wissen, welche spezifischen Features Sie anpassen möchten, damit ich Ihnen dabei helfen kann.
Welche Windows Features aktivieren oder deaktivieren?
Welche Windows Features möchten Sie aktivieren oder deaktivieren? Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Funktionen in Windows, die je nach Bedarf ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden können. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die Windows-Suche, Cortana, die automatischen Updates, die Firewall oder auch die Benachrichtigungen. Indem Sie bestimmte Features anpassen, können Sie die Leistung und Sicherheit Ihres Systems optimieren. Welche spezifischen Features interessieren Sie?
Was sind die Features für Google Chrome?
Google Chrome bietet eine Vielzahl von Features, darunter eine schnelle und stabile Browsing-Erfahrung, eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, eine nahtlose Integration mit anderen Google-Diensten wie Gmail und Google Drive, eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Erweiterungen und Themes, sowie eine starke Sicherheitsarchitektur mit regelmäßigen automatischen Updates. Darüber hinaus unterstützt Chrome auch das Synchronisieren von Lesezeichen, Passwörtern und anderen Einstellungen über verschiedene Geräte hinweg.
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Bettdeckenbezug Batman Features Bunt 175 Fäden 200 x 200 cm
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Påslakan Batman Features Multicolour 175 Trådar 260 x 240 cm
Om du tycker om att ta hand om minsta detalj i hemmet och ha koll på senaste nytt för att göra livet lättare, köp Påslakan Batman Features Multicolour 175 Trådar 260 x 240 cm till bästa pris.. Typ: PåslakanFärg: MulticolourEgenskaper: TvättbarSlitstarktMaterial: Bomull100% bomullTyp av fastsättning: KnapparTvättråd: Tvätta med milt, neutralt tvättmedel.Använd ej blekmedelDo not dry-cleanTvättbar 30ºLämplig för torktumGår att tvätta i maskin 30ºCTvätta med insidan utåtBlötlägg inteTyg: 175 TrådarMått ca: 260 x 240 cm. General Product Safety Regulations information:. ARTESANIA CERDA, S.L.U.. POL. IND. EL CARRASCOT, C/ ARTESANS 1 Y 3, 46580 La Ollería (VALENCIA - España). 46580 - Olleria. +34962200502.
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Påslakan Batman Features Multicolour 175 Trådar 240 x 220 cm
Om du tycker om att ta hand om minsta detalj i hemmet och ha koll på senaste nytt för att göra livet lättare, köp Påslakan Batman Features Multicolour 175 Trådar 240 x 220 cm till bästa pris.. Typ: PåslakanFärg: MulticolourEgenskaper: TvättbarSlitstarktMaterial: Bomull100% bomullTyp av fastsättning: KnapparTvättråd: Tvätta med milt, neutralt tvättmedel.Använd ej blekmedelDo not dry-cleanTvättbar 30ºLämplig för torktumGår att tvätta i maskin 30ºCTvätta med insidan utåtBlötlägg inteTyg: 175 TrådarMått ca: 240 x 220 cm. General Product Safety Regulations information:. ARTESANIA CERDA, S.L.U.. POL. IND. EL CARRASCOT, C/ ARTESANS 1 Y 3, 46580 La Ollería (VALENCIA - España). 46580 - Olleria. +34962200502.
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Wie kann ein effizientes Lüftungssystem in einem Gebäude die Luftqualität verbessern?
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Welche Features sollte eurer Meinung nach gutefrage hinzufügen?
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